
Daniel O. Phelan

Founder, Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer

Direct Dial

(631) 546-1465, ext. 1001


Mr. Phelan founded the Type 1 Action Foundation in 2016 to provide better resources and education to the Type 1 Diabetes community in order to better protect the rights of people with Type 1 Diabetes. Mr. Phelan is currently an associate attorney in the litigation department at Adler & Stachenfeld LLP. In addition to his career in big law, Mr. Phelan also formerly played professional baseball, all with Type 1 Diabetes. For the first three years of his law career, Mr. Phelan was the first attorney in the United States to successfully focus a law practice on protecting the rights of people with Type 1 Diabetes, and effectively changed the landscape for how people with Type 1 Diabetes are accommodated in schools and in the workplace through disability discrimination matters under the Americans with Disabilities Act in United States District Court, and through special education hearings in schools. Mr. Phelan regularly speaks at conferences and galas all over the country about his personal experiences playing professional baseball with Type 1 Diabetes, as well as about the rights of people with Type 1 Diabetes.